ICF welcomes the recognition by Government of the strategic importance of aggregates and the aggregates industry in the recently published ‘Project Ireland 2040’.
In March 2017, ICF made a submission to Government on the draft National Planning Framework. Essentially our submission highlighted that aggregates must be recognised as a strategic national resource, essential for the future development of Ireland and that access to aggregates must be safeguarded to facilitate the creation of the places, infrastructure and environment required to meet the economic, environmental and societal needs of Ireland for the coming two decades and beyond.
Recognising this fact, Project Ireland 2040 states the following:
“Aggregates and Minerals Extractive industries are important for the supply of aggregates and construction materials and minerals to a variety of sectors, for both domestic requirements and for export. The planning process will play a key role in realising the potential of the extractive industries sector by identifying and protecting important reserves of aggregates and minerals from development that might prejudice their utilisation. Aggregates and minerals extraction will continue to be enabled where this is compatible with the protection of the environment in terms of air and water quality, natural and cultural heritage, the quality of life of residents in the vicinity, and provides for appropriate site rehabilitation”
‘Project Ireland 2040 National Framework’ Publication is available to download here.