Concrete in Agriculture

Every year, Irish farmers undertake a large amount of building work ranging from major new jobs to extensions to existing buildings and effluent tanks and minor improvements around the farm. Aggregate and concrete products are the essential building materials used for the construction of Ireland’s farm building infrastructure.
Ready Mixed Concrete
The Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine, with the assistance of the ICF has produced a ‘Minimum Specification for Concrete Composition used in Agricultural Structures’, known as S.100. In conjunction with Teagasc, ICF has produced 2 separate guidance documents on S.100 which can be viewed below. Further information is available from the Department of Agriculture, Food & the Marine website.
Ready mixed concrete used to construct farm buildings or infrastructure must be manufactured to the concrete standard, I.S. EN 206-1: 2013. With the agreement of the Department of Agriculture, ICF administers the issuing of the relevant certification to certified concrete producers throughout Ireland.
Agricultural Slats
For concrete slats, heavy duty (tractor) slats, manhole slats and manhole slabs to be acceptable in grant-aided buildings, the company manufacturing the slat/slab must be listed on the “Accepted Concrete Slat List” of the Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine. The “Accepted Concrete Slat List” is available on the Departments website. The Department has produced a document which sets out the procedure and requirements for inclusion on the Department’s “Accepted Concrete Slat List”. Agricultural slats must be produced in accordance with EN 12737: 2004 + A1:2007 – Precast Concrete Products – Floor Slats for Livestock. This document is also available on the Department’s website.