Essential Standards

The materials and products produced by ICF members form an integral part of the construction supply chain. The integrity of the products used in the construction industry is paramount to ensuring that our buildings and infrastructure meet the needs of clients and end-users.
ICF is highly involved in the development of product standards and associated guidance for the products produced by our members. ICF participates in expert committees of the National Standards Authority of Ireland. ICF also produces technical guidance on the most important standards, some of which are available on this website. In addition, we organise events to increase knowledge throughout the industry. ICF has also developed an initiative to improve traceability and compliance with product standards.
Product standards are a critical element of quality assurance with the construction supply chain. Many of the most important product standards are called up in national building regulations so it is essential that designers, specifiers, manufacturers, contractors and builders are familiar with these standards to ensure compliance with these regulations. The introduction of CE Marking for many construction products since July 2013 means that certificates of compliance are readily available from manufacturers of these products.