Some images from Quarry Safety Week 2017
The Health and Safety Authority (HSA) and the Irish Concrete Federation (ICF) are jointly supporting Quarry Safety Week 2017, which will take place from Monday 13th – Friday 17th November 2017.
The objective of Quarry Safety Week 2017 is to highlight the key hazards which exist on a daily basis in operating quarries and some of the practices and proactive measures which can reduce the risk of accidents and injury to staff.
In order to support Quarry Safety Week 2017, HSA Inspectors will be conducting an intensive round of nationwide safety inspections throughout the week.
ICF members will also be undertaking safety initiatives to highlight the importance of quarry safety in their locations. Some of the activities being undertaken are highlighted below.
Quarry Safety Week 2017 Commitments
“The Health and Safety Authority remain committed to improving the safety, health and welfare of all persons employed in the quarrying industry and will be undertaking an inspection campaign between the 13th and 17th of November to support Quarry Safety Week”
“We are putting a don’t walk by policy in place. This will begin on Quarry Safety Week and we are hoping to make it a permanent policy going forward.“
“On Monday 13th November in order to raise awareness of Quarry Safety Week we will be issuing a Quarry Safety Week Newsletter to all employees during a location managers toolbox talk prior to work commencing at all Kilsaran locations across the country focusing on Conveyor Guarding, Isolation and PPE.“
“We are planning to carry out a demonstration of a jeep being crushed by a quarry vehicle. The purpose is to highlight the dangers of quarry vehicles and the importance of traffic management. We are going to bring all staff to the event and we will video the event. We also plan on re-communicating our Isolation Procedure for working in the quarry. The purpose is to re-focus our attention on the importance of isolating equipment”
“We are updating our company’s Standard Operating Procedure for the handling, storing and use of the descaling chemical used for the removal of concrete / cement residue from hard surfaces i.e. ready mix bottles or areas of the batching plant. During Quarry Safety Week 2017 we will be delivering tool box talks and issuing new personal protective equipment to all drivers. “
“During Quarry Safety Week we will be trialing Safety Glasses for all employees in the quarry. We are focusing on Near Misses – Tool Box Talks and have compiled procedures for the on-site workshop and will be completing training with the maintenance employees. We will also show Bitumen Safety Video – Delivery and Storage”.
“Throughout Quarry Safety Week we will carry out daily Tool Box Talks on various topics including ‘Pre-start Inspections’,’PPE Requirements in the Quarry’, ‘Traffic Management Rules (Site & Customer Traffic)’. There will be a full site audit carried out which will include all stockpiles, bunding & lagoons with a report forwarded to Managing Director & Quarry Manager. Also a full PPE Audit will be done and any outstanding PPE required for operators will be issued accordingly”.
“We at Ducon Concrete will be holding a series of Tool Box Talks on topics such as Machine Safety, Plant Isolation and PPE throughout Quarry Safety Week with a view to ‘making our place of work a safe place to work’.”
“During Quarry Safety Week 2017 we are launching the installation of an Automated External Defibrillator which will be available for use by our employees and also the local community.”
“We are updating our Company procedure for Quarry Edge Protection and carrying out safety audits with an emphasis on PPE and Plant Isolation.”
“During Quarry Safety Week, our company will review the dangers associated with unauthorized entry to our Quarry. There will be a full site audit conducted on same and control measures will be implemented accordingly.”
“During Quarry Safety Week 2017 we will be conducting tool box talks for PPE, General Housekeeping and Conveyor Guarding. We will also be incorporating a new technology driven ‘Daily Walk Around Checks’ on all out mobile plant and equipment.”
“Hanlon Concrete will hold tool box talks on isolation, guarding and pit face stability, to tie in with the launch of a new Health & Safety check sheet specific to the operations in our sand & gravel pit during Quarry Safety Week 2017.”
“We are reviewing the issue of Respirable Crystalline Silica dust in all of our quarries and implementing control measures.”
“During Quarry Safety Week we are updating the Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) site rules at our quarry”
“We will carry out toolbox talks on the 5 topics raised in the ICF Quarry Safety Week Poster 2017 and show James Gorry Safety Speaker ‘s DVD to all plant operators and maintenance staff. We will also carry out full review of cement deliveries at our plants including, silo condition, access, handrails, filters, high level system, pressure relief valves, delivery tankers, pipework, paperwork, PPE. Senior Management will be present during some of the safety works for Quarry Safety Week”
“We will hold toolbox talks across our locations during quarry safety week”
“We will commit to holding toolbox talks in all our quarries throughout quarry safety week”
“As part of Quarry Safety Week our mission is to underline the importance of site safety and actively promote our current safety culture across the business. We will circulate information to all divisions throughout the Infrastructure, electronically or by distributing posters during site safety briefings day and night. Line Managers and Supervisors will engage with staff to include the Safety Topic of the day or night in their Site Safety Briefings (Toolbox Talks). Some of the topics we will cover and promote on social media will be, Daily Walk Around Checks especially heavy goods vehicle, Conveyor Guarding, Quarry Faces, Mental health and Near Miss incidents.”
“During Quarry Safety Week 2017 I will be conducting a detailed inspection of all plant and equipment in our quarry to ensure that effective guarding is in place on all plant.”
“During quarry safety week, we commit to a renewed focus on housekeeping, and to a review of Health and Safety paperwork from our subcontractors.”
“We will be updating our PPE on site during quarry safety week and will review house keeping within the quarry.”
“At Killeshal Precast, we commit to testing all forklifts, skips and grabs and to update training on forklifts and abrasive wheels.”
“Our safety consultant will be onsite during Quarry Safety Week and he will be giving toolbox talks to the relevant employees and contractors on each of the areas included in the Quarry Safety Week 2017 Poster”
“Duffy Concrete Products Ltd will hold toolbox talks on the 5 topics raised on the ICF Quarry Safety Week poster during Quarry Safety Week.”
“Irish Industrial Explosives will be taking part next week by highlighting vehicle safety checks and requirement and also a Winter Driving presentation. With driving for work and the use of vehicles by IIE this area is one of our key hazards. This campaign will be visible to all employees through posters, emails and group safety talks.”
“At Esker Readymix we commit to carrying out toolbox talks on all the issues raised for Quarry Safety Week 2017. We will carry out inspections of our readymix plants and review all our Health and Safety paperwork. We will also install bunding at the slump hole on the quarry floor.”
“A number of activities are taking place in Irish Cement Ltd to support Quarry Safety Week 2017. Limerick Works Health & Safety Manager gave a presentation to Limerick Gardaí in relation to Quarry Blasting last week and the Plant Manager, Quarry Manager and H&S Manager completed a Quarry Safety Walkabout. In Platin Works a Face to Face will be carried out in the quarry by senior management mid-week. Both Works are carrying out toolbox talks with all quarry personnel this week and the recent CRH quarry related Safety Alerts (descriptions of accidents/ near misses) will be discussed with the quarry teams this week.”
“MC Group will commit to refocus employees attention on the importance of PPE and general safety awareness. We intend to convey this through erection of new signage, issue of PPE and display of safety awareness posters at prominent locations within the quarry.”
“Here at Wright Quarry Products we will give an in-house presentation to all appropriate operatives on mobile plant awareness, housekeeping and daily vehicle walk around checks.”